
Mark 6:32-34 - April 23, 2010

Mark 6:32-34 “So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place. 33 But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them. 34 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.” NIV

Do you know how to respond to unpredictable or undesirable circumstances? Jesus had a goal of providing a few moments of rest for his disciples. He has loaded them up on a boat to take them away to a solitary place so that they can recover a bit from their first efforts as advance teams who would go before Jesus into the towns and villages. They had returned with great success but weary from the work. As a result Jesus is taking them away to a quiet place, or so He intended!

Even the most well meaning plans sometimes find resistance from reality! Jesus’ goal of some quiet time for his team is not to be fulfilled. The closest thing to a few minutes of rest that they get is their time in the boat! (Or could this have been the quiet place that Jesus was referring to!) The crowds who observe Jesus and His team leaving on the boat not only watch what they are doing as they leave on the boat, they are so desperate to be with Him that they go ahead of the boat and are waiting with an even larger crowd at the spot of the landing! Jesus’ plans for rest are now interrupted by an even greater sense of need.

Many people would be offended at an unannounced interruption of their plans for a time of rest and quietness. Jesus’ reaction to this interruption is a picture of the compassion of God. Jesus is never demonstrates any frustration nor sense of inconvenience as He reviews this growing crowd of desperate people. They are all looking for the miraculous in Him. They are all searching for the wisdom in His words! And His heart is moved with compassion. Recognizing their condition Jesus’ heart is deeply moved with compassion. He sees them as “sheep without a shepherd” and as a result responds with a shepherd’s heart!

After considering the situation Jesus wastes little time in making the most of this unplanned opportunity. It is inspiring to observe that He not only takes the opportunity to teach the crowd many things. His response to this invasion of His privacy is also a lesson for His disciples. This is leadership training 101! How to recognize an opportunity even when you aren’t wanting one! Jesus demonstrates flexibility, responsiveness, compassion and more as He turns an intrusion into not just a token teaching time before returning to the boat and leaving them behind, verse 34 says that He began teaching them many things! Can you see past your inconvenience to the opportunities that are coming your way!

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