Mark 9:35 “Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."
Jesus has set the stage for a personal confrontation with the ego problem that He sees at work in the hearts of His disciples. They have just arrived in Capernaum after a long walk where they passed through Galilee together. As they had been traveling Jesus became aware that the disciples were arguing about who would be the greatest amongst them and so He brings them aside to speak into this philosophical flaw in their thinking.
This passage from the training of His twelve key men carries within it an insight that is often overlooked in regard to what Jesus is actually teaching. Many times people relate to this passage as if it teaches that we are not to desire to be first. That is not what this passage actually communicates. The message of this passage in reality redefines what it means to be first and the true path to greatness. The implication found in both Christ’s teaching here and the actions that follow is that service IS greatness – real greatness. He does not imply in His actions that we should put up with people with patient suffering for the sake of some future greatness. The message in its reality is that a leader in the kingdom of God actually values and enjoys people!
The culture of that day was filled with examples of greatness that were based upon an abusive love of power for the rewards and self-indulgence that it made available to the ones who possessed it. In Luke 22:26 Jesus referenced the kings of the Gentiles and their habit of exalting themselves over the ones whom they led. Jesus reverses the entire cultural trend that has been seen by all of them with this one simply teaching; “lead from an opposite spirit.” The privilege of leadership is the opportunity to serve, to help, to be entrusted with making life better for those we lead.
Mark 9:35 is one of those verses that needs very little interpretation. What is really needed in understanding this passage is faith! For so many people the thought of possessing the power that comes with leadership their minds are immediately filled with the benefits that can be gained personally by this position. In verse 35 Jesus turns the attention of those who would lead to thoughts of what they can give! Serve everyone you can! Take the last and lowest place! In Luke 22:27 Jesus identifies the contrast between His leadership style and the common thinking of the day. He asks His disciples which is the common action of the greatest one, be served or to serve, knowing that their response will be that the greatest should be served. It is then that He draws their attention to His life by saying “I am among you as one who serves.” Leadership redefined is service with humility. Leadership redefined is valuing people and seeking to meet their needs. Leadership redefined takes faith!