Run the Race!
2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” NIV
In a sprint, the runner gives a 100% from beginning to the end, starting off with as much speed as possible and reaching the finish line with high speed as well, giving everything he has. A marathon would be approached different though. The runner develops a strategy how to reach the finish line in a certain time and keeping a certain speed over a long distance.
Often times we live our life as if we were in a sprint, while it really is a marathon. Multiple slogans and the media promote the “Live life today as if there was no tomorrow” theory. The result is a mindset of “I don’t care what’s coming up next." Many people I know don’t even want to think about what could happen next month, next year or even after they will leave this earth one day. But that’s not how God intended it to be. He doesn’t’ want us get weary along the way, we are supposed us to live with vision! Vision for tomorrow strengthens us to live today! That’s what sustains us and gives us strength to persevere! The Apostle Paul experienced terrible persecution and strong temptations throughout his life. But in the end, he had been faithful. His whole life was dedicated to God, doing good works. He was sent to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles and suffered greatly. He gave up his life to bring the Good News to those he had persecuted before. The scripture continues in
2. Timothy 4:8 “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness; which the Lord; the righteous judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”
As Paul wrote these verses, he was certain that he had overcome the things of this world and that he would receive the crown of victory.
Let us not be overcome by the things of this world but let us live a life in the assurance that there is more than this, that we live towards a goal! In Philippians 4 Paul calls us to “press toward the goal to win the prize.” We have a goal! As Christians we do have a vision! We don’t live just for the NOW, we life for the promises of God! He is preparing a place for us and we will have eternal live and enjoy all the good things he has in store for us if we look heavenwards!
How easy it is to quit, if things don’t work out or we are stuck in situations, when we don’t see the way out. But God has promised us his protection in every situation. In this world, we will face trials no less than the people that don’t live their life’s with God. But we have the assurance, that he helps us to bear those situations, he gives us strength, and he sustains us! We don’t need to rely on our own wisdom and our own strength; he will lead us as we trust in him.
I don’t want to finish the marathon of life crawling over the finish line; I want to run - heads up, knowing that I will receive the crown of victory. I want to be found faithful until the end! Lord, give me strength to face the trials of today, knowing that you hold an amazing future for me. Give me strength to fight the good fight today.
In a sprint, the runner gives a 100% from beginning to the end, starting off with as much speed as possible and reaching the finish line with high speed as well, giving everything he has. A marathon would be approached different though. The runner develops a strategy how to reach the finish line in a certain time and keeping a certain speed over a long distance.
Often times we live our life as if we were in a sprint, while it really is a marathon. Multiple slogans and the media promote the “Live life today as if there was no tomorrow” theory. The result is a mindset of “I don’t care what’s coming up next." Many people I know don’t even want to think about what could happen next month, next year or even after they will leave this earth one day. But that’s not how God intended it to be. He doesn’t’ want us get weary along the way, we are supposed us to live with vision! Vision for tomorrow strengthens us to live today! That’s what sustains us and gives us strength to persevere! The Apostle Paul experienced terrible persecution and strong temptations throughout his life. But in the end, he had been faithful. His whole life was dedicated to God, doing good works. He was sent to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles and suffered greatly. He gave up his life to bring the Good News to those he had persecuted before. The scripture continues in
2. Timothy 4:8 “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness; which the Lord; the righteous judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”
As Paul wrote these verses, he was certain that he had overcome the things of this world and that he would receive the crown of victory.
Let us not be overcome by the things of this world but let us live a life in the assurance that there is more than this, that we live towards a goal! In Philippians 4 Paul calls us to “press toward the goal to win the prize.” We have a goal! As Christians we do have a vision! We don’t live just for the NOW, we life for the promises of God! He is preparing a place for us and we will have eternal live and enjoy all the good things he has in store for us if we look heavenwards!
How easy it is to quit, if things don’t work out or we are stuck in situations, when we don’t see the way out. But God has promised us his protection in every situation. In this world, we will face trials no less than the people that don’t live their life’s with God. But we have the assurance, that he helps us to bear those situations, he gives us strength, and he sustains us! We don’t need to rely on our own wisdom and our own strength; he will lead us as we trust in him.
I don’t want to finish the marathon of life crawling over the finish line; I want to run - heads up, knowing that I will receive the crown of victory. I want to be found faithful until the end! Lord, give me strength to face the trials of today, knowing that you hold an amazing future for me. Give me strength to fight the good fight today.
God's Marvelous Provision
Matthew 6:25-27 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat and drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” NIV
How easy it is to read these verses and believe, when we have enough provision for our daily life. But as we look at the scripture in today’s economy, it really takes faith to believe that God really is providing for ALL of our needs. Matthew 6:25-34 is describing the basic needs for our daily life. Jesus is stating here that the God, who created all creatures and men and gave them life, will also provide us with the means to sustain it! By taking the “birds of the air”, the lower creation, as an example, God is strengthening the argument that he would provide for us in the very same way! How could God ever watch out for the sparrows and neglect his very own children?
Joseph wasn’t worried about not having enough to eat during the years of famine; he had enough grain to feed the entire land of Egypt and even beyond! Was he worried before that time, which made him gather all the grain in advance? I don’t think so. I believe that this was part of God’s marvelous plan to provide enough food for an entire nation by giving supernatural wisdom to one man. In Genesis 41 we can read how God gave Pharaoh Dreams that he could not interprete. Because of those dreams, the chief cupbearer got reminded of Joseph, who was still sitting in the dungeon. From there, things went their way. By giving Pharaoh Dreams, God even provided for Joseph. He brought him out of prison and set him as ruler above the land of Egypt to then save the entire nation from starvation.
Joseph had enough grain in store to give away. In Genesis 41:49 it says that the quantities of grain were so huge that “he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.” God provides enough for us so that we can give away. In times like these, let’s give out of the abundance that we enjoy. It doesn’t always need to cost us a lot and it is often times not even about money. In Proverbs 11:24 it says: “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.” Even in times when we can't be a financial blessing, we can give our love, time or an encouraging word to one another, simply offering help in times of need.
In difficult seasons we tend to withdraw and not let other people know about how we feel. It is easy to just look at our own circumstances instead of looking around, seeking for opportunities to bless others even in the midst of our circumstances. But in the early church which is explained in the book of Acts, the believers shared everything!
God knows the things that we need for our daily life. We don’t need to be worried about our provision if we are spending our resources wisely. What a mystery, how God cares for his entire creation, from the smallest insect to us human beings! Lord, I trust that you are my provider. I decide not to worry about my provision, instead, help me to be a blessing to others. Thank you for knowing my very need!
How easy it is to read these verses and believe, when we have enough provision for our daily life. But as we look at the scripture in today’s economy, it really takes faith to believe that God really is providing for ALL of our needs. Matthew 6:25-34 is describing the basic needs for our daily life. Jesus is stating here that the God, who created all creatures and men and gave them life, will also provide us with the means to sustain it! By taking the “birds of the air”, the lower creation, as an example, God is strengthening the argument that he would provide for us in the very same way! How could God ever watch out for the sparrows and neglect his very own children?
Joseph wasn’t worried about not having enough to eat during the years of famine; he had enough grain to feed the entire land of Egypt and even beyond! Was he worried before that time, which made him gather all the grain in advance? I don’t think so. I believe that this was part of God’s marvelous plan to provide enough food for an entire nation by giving supernatural wisdom to one man. In Genesis 41 we can read how God gave Pharaoh Dreams that he could not interprete. Because of those dreams, the chief cupbearer got reminded of Joseph, who was still sitting in the dungeon. From there, things went their way. By giving Pharaoh Dreams, God even provided for Joseph. He brought him out of prison and set him as ruler above the land of Egypt to then save the entire nation from starvation.
Joseph had enough grain in store to give away. In Genesis 41:49 it says that the quantities of grain were so huge that “he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.” God provides enough for us so that we can give away. In times like these, let’s give out of the abundance that we enjoy. It doesn’t always need to cost us a lot and it is often times not even about money. In Proverbs 11:24 it says: “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.” Even in times when we can't be a financial blessing, we can give our love, time or an encouraging word to one another, simply offering help in times of need.
In difficult seasons we tend to withdraw and not let other people know about how we feel. It is easy to just look at our own circumstances instead of looking around, seeking for opportunities to bless others even in the midst of our circumstances. But in the early church which is explained in the book of Acts, the believers shared everything!
God knows the things that we need for our daily life. We don’t need to be worried about our provision if we are spending our resources wisely. What a mystery, how God cares for his entire creation, from the smallest insect to us human beings! Lord, I trust that you are my provider. I decide not to worry about my provision, instead, help me to be a blessing to others. Thank you for knowing my very need!
A Life of Prayer
Luke 11:1 “ One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of the disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us how to pray, just as John taught his disciples.'” NIV
In the scripture the following verses continue with the Lord's prayer. Throughout the entire bible we find instructions about how to pray and what to pray for. Unfortunately, we sometimes make it too difficult. Prayer can seem to be so spiritual, so structured. We don't always need to come before God with folded hands, head bowed down and eyes closed. There are times for that and I am not saying at all, that this is something we shouldn't do. But what prayer really is, is an expression of our relationship to God, talking to him, having conversation with the one who created us.We can and should speak to him all throughout the day, when we are working, driving, shopping as well as when we lock ourselves in our room, set ourselves apart and take time just for him, seeking his face
without distraction. “Lord, teach us how to pray... .”
Martin Luther said “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” What a true statement! We can involve God in everything we do. A relationship is based on communication, without it there can't be growth, there won't be any intimacy and eventually that relationship will break up. It is like channels on the radio. If we are close to a receiver and choose the right channel, we will have the clearest reception. But as we drive further away, the connection will get fuzzy and we'll eventually loose the signal completely.
Prayer is vital for our daily life as Christians. We can't just pray to God when we are in a tight spot, when we are in need and distress. We should involve him in simply everything that is going on in our lifes. Praising him in joy and abundance as well as thanking him as we overcome is what grows the relationship. I once heard someone say: “Prayer should be short, without giving God reasons why he should grant us this or that – he knows best what is good for us and what we need.” It is not about how long we pray but about the quality of our prayers. That doesn't mean we can't pray long prayers, but it is vital that we focus more on the relationship with God and on getting to know him better.
“Lord, teach us how to pray... .”
Prayer is like medicine for our soul! Have you ever tried to stop worrying about something? It doesn't really work very well, does it? The best way to not worry is by indirection; do something else, preferably something that is the opposite of worry. Thanksgiving is the best solution in such times. Instead of praying about our situation over and over again, praying thankful prayers. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”Phillipians 4:6-7
God has promised us his provision, he knows exactly what we need and he will give it to us in his perfect timing. When Paul was in prison, he didn't focus on the current circumstances. Instead, he praised God and started thanking him that everything would turn out for his deliverance. He had such a close relationship to God, which gave him the ability to praise and thank him. He focused on the relationship with the Lord and didn't look at the circumstances.
Lord, teach us how to pray! Teach us in every situation, in joy and abuhndance as well as in need and distress. Draw me closer to you in communication. Develop in me a lifestyle of prayer.
In the scripture the following verses continue with the Lord's prayer. Throughout the entire bible we find instructions about how to pray and what to pray for. Unfortunately, we sometimes make it too difficult. Prayer can seem to be so spiritual, so structured. We don't always need to come before God with folded hands, head bowed down and eyes closed. There are times for that and I am not saying at all, that this is something we shouldn't do. But what prayer really is, is an expression of our relationship to God, talking to him, having conversation with the one who created us.We can and should speak to him all throughout the day, when we are working, driving, shopping as well as when we lock ourselves in our room, set ourselves apart and take time just for him, seeking his face
without distraction. “Lord, teach us how to pray... .”
Martin Luther said “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” What a true statement! We can involve God in everything we do. A relationship is based on communication, without it there can't be growth, there won't be any intimacy and eventually that relationship will break up. It is like channels on the radio. If we are close to a receiver and choose the right channel, we will have the clearest reception. But as we drive further away, the connection will get fuzzy and we'll eventually loose the signal completely.
Prayer is vital for our daily life as Christians. We can't just pray to God when we are in a tight spot, when we are in need and distress. We should involve him in simply everything that is going on in our lifes. Praising him in joy and abundance as well as thanking him as we overcome is what grows the relationship. I once heard someone say: “Prayer should be short, without giving God reasons why he should grant us this or that – he knows best what is good for us and what we need.” It is not about how long we pray but about the quality of our prayers. That doesn't mean we can't pray long prayers, but it is vital that we focus more on the relationship with God and on getting to know him better.
“Lord, teach us how to pray... .”
Prayer is like medicine for our soul! Have you ever tried to stop worrying about something? It doesn't really work very well, does it? The best way to not worry is by indirection; do something else, preferably something that is the opposite of worry. Thanksgiving is the best solution in such times. Instead of praying about our situation over and over again, praying thankful prayers. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”Phillipians 4:6-7
God has promised us his provision, he knows exactly what we need and he will give it to us in his perfect timing. When Paul was in prison, he didn't focus on the current circumstances. Instead, he praised God and started thanking him that everything would turn out for his deliverance. He had such a close relationship to God, which gave him the ability to praise and thank him. He focused on the relationship with the Lord and didn't look at the circumstances.
Lord, teach us how to pray! Teach us in every situation, in joy and abuhndance as well as in need and distress. Draw me closer to you in communication. Develop in me a lifestyle of prayer.
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