
Mark 6:30-31 - April 22, 2010

Mark 6:30-31 “The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." NIV

Do you place a value on rest!? The Apostles have tasted of ministry on their own. They have now returned from having been sent out by the Lord into the region to preach the gospel in the towns and villages where Jesus would soon visit and they are full of excitement. In their zeal they all share with Jesus the great things that the Lord has done through them. And what is the Lord’s response? “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest!”

What a powerful invitation from the Lord! Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place. Jesus sees the work that these men have done and the weariness that hangs over them and invites them to come away. The Lord’s wisdom and compassion are visible in this little passage of scripture. Jesus knows that the greatest gift He can give to His disciples after this intense season of ministry is a time of rest, a time of quietness.

It is thought provoking to see that He does not get into hype or cheerleading at this seemingly opportune moment. The typical sports coach might see this time of great victory as an opportunity to fan the flames of excitement. He might seize upon their fresh victory to stir them to even greater heights. “Come on boys, let’s take the next hill!” But no, Jesus does not lead them down a path of running on pure emotion that goes beyond their natural strength. What is evident here is that Jesus understands the nature of working for the long haul instead of the short term. Jesus is seeking to build something that lasts for years to come not something that will burst with excitement for a season and then burn out.

The human body has a unique capacity to run on its adrenaline even when the body itself is fatigued and failing. It is insightful to recognize that Jesus does not take advantage of this for His own gain. He tells His men “it’s time to come away.” No speeches, no cheerleading, only a call to rest and quietness. Jesus values those who work for Him. This should be a message to every servant of the Lord and every leader of others. Make room for rest. Taking care of yourself and those who serve you should be esteemed as a priority in our walk with God. Yes there are times in our walks with God that we find it necessary to press through and get the job done or respond to the pressing needs of the moment. But those times should not go on indefinitely. Yes, it is clear that in this case with Jesus their goal of some rest is interrupted by the pressing of the crowds and Jesus’ compassion on them, but His intention was clear… steward yourself and your workers by making time for quietness and rest.

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