
Mark 7:24 - May 19, 2010

Mark 7:24 Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret. 25 In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an evil spirit came and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.

What is intercession? What does it mean to stand in the gap for another? This passage is a tremendous image of a heart of intercession. To stand in the gap is to take the burdens of another, whether an individual or a people group and bring them before the presence of God in search of divine intervention. Mark 7:24-26 is such a powerful revelation of true humility and faith before God.

This Greek woman was not someone who would have naturally been compelled to seek out a Jewish religious figure in search of mercy. Her national and spiritual background was of such opposite nature that Jesus initially refers to her as a dog. What sets this woman apart from all other Greek women on this particular day is the power of her desperation. She is not just a Greek woman on this day. She is a mother! She is a mother whose daughter is bound by an evil spirit that is tormenting her and the pain of seeing her daughter in such a condition is all that she can see at this moment, not national allegiances or spiritual distinction.

This is a remarkable story that begins with Jesus actually seeking a bit of time away from the crowds. Verse 24 tells us that He entered a home near Tyre seeking to keep His presence a secret. Even Jesus needed an occasional moment away from the masses. But it was not to be. Fueled by her pain this desperate mother heard a rumor that Jesus was near and her need compelled her to go, a need not for her own life but for the life of her daughter. Oh, the compelling power of the presence of God. Here is a woman who hears that Jesus is present. Here is a woman who realizes that if she can just find the presence of God in Christ that there is hope for her daughter. There is hope that she can move the heart of God and receive the miracle that she needs. This is a picture of intercession.

Intercession is a search for the presence of God. Where the presence of God is there is power. Where the presence of God is there is wisdom. Where the presence of God is there is compassion. It is this hope that moves this desperate mother to make that search. For this mother this is not a time for pride. She is not worried about holding on to her dignity. All she can see is the pain in her daughter’s life and the presence of God that is near enough to restore her hope of a breakthrough. She has no agenda for herself. She has come before God in Christ carrying only one burden, the burden of her daughter’s suffering. Oh, that we would find this place before God today! Oh, that the church would find this desperation when we pray! Is there a place in your heart to bear the burdens of another in prayer? Is there anything that has touched your life so deeply with the pain of others that you will make this journey yourself, that will cause you to undertake the search that this woman embraced willingly? God is looking for intercessors.

Ezek 22:30 tells us what God is looking for "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land.” He is looking for those who will take up the burden and stand in the place between life and death. God is searching for those who will be the difference makers, who will take a stand on behalf of those who are bound and dying. He is looking for those who will let their hearts be touched on such a level that the need compels them to step forward in humility and seek out the help of heaven until breakthrough comes and hope is rekindled. Will you be that person for God?

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