Mark 2:8-12 “Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, "Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? 10 But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins . . . ." He said to the paralytic, 11 "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home. He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"
Verse 8 is insightful into the way Jesus walked with the Holy Spirit. It says that Jesus immediately knew in his spirit what they were thinking in their hearts. His fellowship with the Holy Spirit is so intimate that it does not take hours for the Spirit of God to get his attention, nor does he have confusion about what the impressions in his spirit mean. Jesus knew immediately and exactly what they were thinking.
This passage is such a picture of what is possible for every believer today. How close to God will we allow ourselves to become? Will we learn the still small voice of the Holy Spirit with such intimacy that the thoughts and intents of men’s hearts are revealed? There is so much more of God available to every believer!
Jesus does not rebuke them harshly in this moment. He simply exposes the fact that he knows the corrupt thoughts of their hearts and begins to address the issues without further confrontation. He communicates the fact that he knows exactly what they are thinking by teaching immediately on the subject and confronting the men by confronting the issue. Rather than making his correction personal Jesus corrects them by ministering to the person and demonstrating the connection between God’s miracle power and His heart of forgiveness.
Jesus simply compares the act of forgiveness with the work of performing a healing miracle. Jesus makes it clear that it is no more difficult to heal than to forgive and no more difficult to forgive than to heal. Jesus connects both actions to the fact that He has been given authority to do these things. It is this authority that Jesus is proclaiming through both His message and His ministry. In this place of public confrontation Jesus turns to the paralytic and to demonstrate this proclamation of His authority He commands him to pick up his mat and walk. Nothing mystical, no potion, nor spell, only an authoritative command like a military officer giving direction to a subordinate!
In His wisdom Jesus has arranged for this public controversy so that there is a public context within which to demonstrate the nature and measure of His authority. Had He simply tried to bring the subject up in His teachings without a context, it may have been interpreted as self-serving. Jesus instead provokes the issue in such a manner as to raise it as a matter of concern by instigating the religious leaders to do it. Through this means an opportunity is created for Jesus to both teach and demonstrate for His entire audience that both that He possesses this full measure of authority and the direct connection spiritually between forgiveness and healing.
Every believer can learn from this event concerning the nature of spiritual wisdom. Jesus told His followers to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. He demonstrated this wisdom on countless occasions and this passage presents to every person who will think deeply many principles of wisdom that can increase our ability to bring forth the purposes of God and partner with Him in bringing forth His kingdom.
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