
Psalm 4:4 - January 23, 2010

Due to the earthquake in Haiti and our involvement in the nation we will post some of the best devotionals from last year in the coming season. The devotionals are of the book of Psalms.

Ps 4:4 “…when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.” NIV

What do you do with your night time? We are invited by the Lord to use the night seasons purposefully. As the day winds down and we begin to enter in to the stillness of the day this is a time that can be rich in reflection. Psalm four tells us simply but powerfully, “search your hearts and be silent”. It is in silence that we can truly come into a place of seeing the true condition of our hearts and our lives.

It is in the quiet of the night time hours that we are invited by the Lord to a deeper place of reflection. Don’t yield to the compulsion to turn on the television or the stereo when you find yourself awake in the night hours. There is often a restlessness that drives us to fill the inner void with noise or entertainment because we are overwhelmed by the silence and have not learned to focus our thoughts. Paul teaches us how to do this in II Co. 10:5 by saying, “take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.” These moments can also be an invitation to the Lord to a great place of inner transformation as we learn to conquer that restlessness and turn instead to a place of silent reflection.

Try taking out the scriptures, a notebook and a pen in those night seasons and reach into the silence in search of the voice of God and understanding of your own heart condition. God is waiting in the silence, to speak into your heart with light and peace.

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