Ps 125:1-2 "Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. 2 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore." NIV
Psalm 125 celebrates the power of trusting in the Lord. The Psalmist creates a powerful comparison as he exalts Mount Zion and its unshakable endurance as the image of those who trust in the Lord. When a heart trusts the Lord something deeply settling takes place inside. As a parent I have experienced many times when my sons would leap off of something high (high to a five year old!) as I waited to catch them or jump into waters that are over their heads to my waiting arms. Their little minds are challenged by the voice of fear that whispers to them of the danger awaiting them but that limiting fear is overcome by their confidence in my strength and ability to protect them and to catch them. They are comforted by their knowledge of my love for them and their assurance that I will not violate their trust and let them fall. They are empowered by their trust of their father!
This is God’s intention for His children. It is our heavenly Father’s desire that we learn to trust confidently in His strength and His character as a child trusts his father. Psalm 125 points us to the fruit of this kind of trust. When we trust we ourselves become strong! Our confidence is not in ourselves but in the one whom we trust. Verse one exhorts us that those who trust in the Lord cannot be shaken!!! What a powerful promise. When our hearts are emboldened by a confidence in God’s character and strength we are empowered to do great things and to withstand difficult times.
Verse two continues this exhortation to trust by illustrating the nature of the Lord’s protection. Jerusalem is a city surrounded by seven mountains. It is built in such a location that it has natural defenses that are not man made on all sides of it. This is the image of the powerful refuge that God is to His people. We are not trusting in a human strength. We are not leaning on a shakable foundation. We are trusting in the God of all creation! We are protected by the Lord of all things, the one who demonstrated authority over heaven and earth. During His life on earth Jesus walked on water, calmed the raging storms, multiplied the bread, restored people body, soul and spirit and demonstrated His ability to not only walk in this glory Himself but the ability to empower others to demonstrate this same power and authority. It is impressive do perform a miracle, but how much more inspiring is it when you can empower your servants to perform those same miracles? All of these works have lifted up the same message from the heart of heaven. “You can trust in the Lord!” Do not look to your ability to understand all that is going on around you. Lean confidently on Him. Rest in His love and trust in His faithfulness! God is at work to be all that you need! NOW!
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