Ps 123:1-2 I lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven. 2 As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy.”
This Psalm is a picture of dependence. In its essence this passage demonstrates to the believer the measure of yieldedness and surrender that we are encouraged to embrace as our lifestyle before God. Many believers relate to God as an attachment to their already full lives. However, Psalm 123 points us towards a heart that looks to God alone as source and provider. It is a Psalm of confidence in God’s dominion and surrender to His absolute rule. The Psalmist points to the dependence of a slave as the position of their hearts before God. What is equally powerful is that this position of dependence is depicted as a voluntary choice. “I lift my eyes to you…” The language of this Psalm conveys itself more as an acknowledgement on their part of God’s right and power and their willing surrender rather than as a forced deference to the demands of God. They choose to look to God!
The Psalmist is speaking as one who has seen that in this life God is the best hope a person has a dependence upon Him is the wisest option available. Their confidence in God’s mercy is their hope for the future. Verse 2 portrays their commitment to look to God’s hand for their supply and the final phrase of verse 2 implies their patient resolve in faith in the power of prayer. “Our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us His mercy.” The Psalmist is declaring an absolute resolve to look to God until His mercy appears. This is the heart of conviction that moves God’s hand. Its presence in scripture stands as an example to us of a heart that will not be shaken from its dependence upon God no matter the circumstances. Let this same confidence shape your heart as you wait patiently on God for the fullness of his promises in your life.
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