
Psalm 89:5-11 - September 8, 2009

Ps 89:5-8 "The heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. 6 For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? 7 In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him. 8 O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you." NIV

Imagine this reality: God is more famous in heaven than He is on the earth! In the place where God dwells all of the creatures both high and low of the eternal realm behold the glory and power of God. They witness His mighty works, His faithfulness and His acts of kindness towards men and they praise Him! Gathered around God in the courts of heaven there is assembled not only a great company of worshippers from every tribe and nation, there is a beings of indescribable power and majesty who behold the works of the Lord with awe and wonder.
This statement “who in the skies above can compare with the Lord,” identifies the reality that God does not abide alone. “Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings?” The book of Revelation describes a number of scenes from around the throne of God but it is certainly an incomplete description of all that is taking place there. Psalm 89 opens our eyes to a great throne room scene complete with a diversity of heavenly beings who serve God as He governs the earth. This passage clearly identifies this host of heavenly beings as diverse enough that a broad contrast between their many different forms and the much greater power and majesty that is found in the person of the Lord God Almighty!
Verse seven describes the reality that there is a heavenly council that gathers around the throne of God. Eternal beings, each one awesome in their majesty and yet we are told that the Mighty God is more awesome than them all. We are told that in contrast to His greatness, His power and character, all of the other beings fear Him with a holy reverence. With this revelation of the majesty that awaits us in God’s presence we are also brought to a point of confrontation as each of us is compelled to answer the question “who is like the Lord?” Can any man find any being who is worthy of comparison to the Lord? Satan coveted God’s stature and rebelled against Him in his pursuit but how can the glory of the created compare with the glory of the uncreated? There can be no comparison for all else is destined to be lesser and for this Satan rages with jealousy, but our God reigns!
This passage from Psalm 89 does not stop with this dynamic insight into the mystical realms of God’s glory. It is uniquely wonderful for its contrast of two such distinctly different aspects of God’s being. The heavens praise not only God’s wonders, His power and the works that He does, they praise His character qualities as well. In the realms of man it is too often great talents and abilities that receive the attention of others. This Psalm elevates character to the same level of praiseworthiness.
Verse eight closes out this passage with such clarity as it makes two simple statements: “You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you.” God’s might is the subject of much praise, but it is comforting to know that of equal value in the courts of heaven is God’s faithfulness. To know that God has chosen to surround Himself with faithfulness is to inform our hearts that not only is God able to do all that He may desire to do, He is also committed to acting from a place of character not just absolute power. There is a common saying in the realms of earthly power structures that “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” With God however, this is not the case. Psalm 89 is comforting for its revelation that even though our God possesses this absolute power, He has chosen to present Himself as absolutely faithful as well.
Consider for a moment the image portrayed in this psalm. When something is surrounded with something else then that which is the covering is what can be seen, not primarily that which is within! For this passage to declare that God has surrounded Himself with faithfulness is to state that His choice is that when we look at Him His faithfulness is what we see! Perhaps this IS the glory of God. To know that an absolutely powerful creator will only reveal Himself to us through this covering of faithfulness is a statement so wonderful, so assuring, that in and of itself it is a source of praise! To possess power perfectly is a standard that is worthy or praise!

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