
Psalm 69:6 - July 21, 2009

Ps 69:6 "May those who hope in you not be disgraced because of me, O Lord, the LORD Almighty; may those who seek you not be put to shame because of me, O God of Israel." NIV

What kind of life are you living! The cry of the psalmist in this passage is the cry of a noble heart. His longing is that he would live a life that never brings shame upon the name of the Lord. His passion is that he would live a life of such quality that no person would ever be embarrassed to call themselves after the name of the Lord because of his testimony. In this generation, particularly in western Christianity there have been many men and women who have gained a measure of visible prominence within the body of Christ only to live a life that has caused many to shake their head with sadness at the damage they have done to the reputation of Christ and His church.
In Col. 1:9-14 the apostle Paul prays an impassioned prayer for the sake of the church and her testimony. His prayer is that the Christians be filled “with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” He continues his prayer by expressing the burden of his heart that we “may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way.” These passages reflect the need for our lives to be shining examples of the work that grace produces in the human heart. It is time for those who love the Lord to live lives worthy of the price that was paid for us. The life that you live as a Christian either builds up the work of God or tears it down. There is no irrelevant Christian!
It is time for every action to come under the light of the Holy Spirit’s scrutiny! Jesus encouraged us to let our lights “shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven,” Mt. 5:16.Whether we believe it or not, whether we notice or not, people are watching everyone who lives under the banner of Jesus Christ. It is God’s intention to shine through us and through the quality of lives lived for Him to reach this world and the souls of men that Christ was sent to die for. We are called to be a reflection of the cross in every facet of its many faceted message to the world. Let your life speak of the love and sacrifice of Calvary to others today through every decision that you make and every action that you take. Yes, people are watching!

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