
Psalm 45:1 - May 18, 2009

Ps 45:1 For the director of music. To [the tune of] "Lilies." Of the Sons of Korah. A maskil. A wedding song.
"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." NIV

What moves your heart? What inspires your passion? This psalm is a psalm birthed in a prophetic spirit. This psalm is a revelation of a passionate life. The psalmist cries out, “my heart is stirred by a noble theme” and out of this burning heart he unveils a portrait of the coming Messiah and by the glorious church that He will build! Passion is what fuels the prophetic spirit. When we become passionate about something we give ourselves to it. When a theme burns in our hearts we give ourselves permission to do the extravagant; to shout louder, to leap higher, to give the extravagant gift, to write the inspired song! It is out of the furnace of holy passion that revelation flows! God captures a heart and as that heart ascends into the presence of the Lord through a life of abandonment that very freedom of expression that flows out of passion enables us to tap into the Spirit of God with insight that cannot come from natural reasoning. When we allow ourselves to be given fully to the Spirit it is like jumping into a river with a strong current. No longer is our momentum created by our own efforts. The power of the river is what carries us along into the deeper waters of God’s
mind and purpose.
The psalmist reflects on the impact of this inspiration upon his own life in a very revealing way. After introducing the stirring that has taken place in his heart the psalmist begins to express what is taking place within him as a result. “My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.” The movement of the heart is the source of inspired speech. Jesus taught us this principle in Matt. 12:34 “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” When our hearts are burning with passion for the Lord the flow of life out of our hearts is an unquenchable fire. Jesus taught his disciples to expect “rivers of living water” (Jn. 7:38) to flow out of the core of their being as a manifestation of their faith. In Mk. 13:11 Jesus prepared His disciples for the hour of their need by equipping them with the knowledge that the Holy Spirit would speak through them in that hour when they stood to testify on His behalf. All of these things begin with a burning heart. Jesus spoke to His disciples on the road to Emmaus and their hearts burned within them. This burning translates into impact and conviction. God wants to burn in you today! Take the time to be set apart to His presence until the fire of the altars of God burns into your soul and you become a living source of the passion of God, then speak in faith from that heart of passion so that others may be fanned into flame for God.

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