
Psalm 30: 11-12 - March 28, 2009

Ps 30:11-12 "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, 12 that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever." NIV

Throughout the pages of scripture one of the most consistent themes that continually emerges is the lesson that our God is famous for reversing negative situations and turning them into great breakthrough and miraculous victories! It doesn’t matter what the circumstances nor does it matter how great the obstacles, the scriptures declare concerning the Lord in Jer 32:17 that “Nothing is too hard for you.” In the same way the angel spoke to Mary concerning the measure of the Lord’s great power and said, Luke 1:37 “nothing is impossible with God.”
When the mountains of our struggles stand high over top of us God’s power is higher still! When the valleys of our discouragement seem insurmountable God’s strength carries us through to the other side. David is celebrating the transformation of his suffering into God’s victory. “You turned my wailing into dancing,” what a contrast between extremes. David knows the joy that comes when the darkness is turned suddenly to the light of God’s victory. Story after story in the message of God’s word teaches us that it is pointless to become consumed with looking upon our circumstances. We are challenged by the Word to place our eyes on the Lord and nothing else. For Ps 121:2 says our “help comes from the LORD.”David has tasted sorrow but now he is clothed with joy. So often it is easy to allow our trials to cloak us in garments of despair. God has a new set of clothes for you! It is the way of God to allow us to taste the futility of attempting to succeed in our own strength. He allows life to prove that we are no match for it apart from God. The Apostle Paul experienced the breaking of the Lord as Christ confronted him on the road to Damascus. Jesus declares to him in Acts 26:14, “It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” Paul has enjoyed the praise of men, living as an emerging leader in the Jewish community and yet God brings him to the revelation that he has been in denial; “It is hard for you” to keep resisting the testimony you have seen. Once strong in himself and his stubborn beliefs, now Paul’s testimony in 2 Cor 11:30 has become, “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” And also in 2 Cor 12:10 he proclaims, “for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Paul has learned the secret of the strength of God, the wisdom of God and the timing of God. No longer content to lean upon himself, Paul delights in leaning on God. When we lean, we give God room to move! When we trust, we give God an opportunity to show Himself strong. When we wait we give God the opportunity to create a miracle that brings him great praise and us great joy! Both David and Paul established a legacy of divine intervention. Each one learned to rest in God and to look to the Lord for triumph. In due time God will vindicate Himself and your confidence in Him, as you lean on Him like David and Paul, He will turn your mourning into dancing and clothe you with joy.

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