
Psalm 28:6-9 - March 24, 2009

Ps 28:6-9 "Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy. 7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. 8 The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. 9 Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever." NIV

Are you living with the confidence that you have been heard! There are two basic ingredients presented throughout the scriptures that are necessary for a person to live with this confidence: right standing before the Lord and humility before him. As David writes this psalm he is living in this assurance and it brings him great confidence. “Praise… the Lord… he HAS heard my cry!” Have you ever felt that place of desperation where you question, “God, do you hear me?” This is a state of mind that no one enjoys and we long to be quickly on the other side of when we are walking through it. Usually we find ourselves praying that old faithful prayer, “How long, Oh Lord!” Do you remember that one!? One of the powerful benefits of this portion of Psalm 28 is the reminder to us that we CAN have that assurance. We CAN be comforted by the knowledge that God hears our cry.
David understands the Lord as his strength and shield. The Father wants to build us up and protect us from the oppression that surrounds us, seeking to separate us from his abundant life living in us and through us. This Psalm is wonderful for its communication of one of the foundational concepts of David’s life, “My heart trusts in Him and I am helped.” Oh how much anxiety we will all be spared as we learn to trust in the Lord. Our heavenly father is the world’s greatest heart specialist!!! One of the root definitions of the word grace is “divine influence upon the heart!” David has learned what grace is all about as he has grown in his trust in the Lord. As we learn to lean upon the Lord, confidently trusting Him in the midst of our needs, His grace, His divine influence comes upon our hearts and brings us the help of His comfort and presence.
Even as David is reflecting upon the Lord’s impact upon the condition of his heart the tone of his writing changes as if he is receiving a fresh impartation of faith through his own meditation. “My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song!” When is the last time that you were so happy that you just had to sing about it!? David’s meditation is moving him to genuine gratitude and rejoicing! This is the fruit of taking your eyes off of your problem and placing them confidently upon the Lord. Once again, “My heart trusts in Him and I am helped!” It is as if David is reliving the impact of divine help to his soul!
This passage calls to us like a joyful chef who has just completed preparing a great meal and cries out “come and get it!” as they eagerly await the sounds of joyful delight that overtake those who taste of their creations! In the same way, hear the voice of the Lord calling out to you today, “You can have a taste also” … “Would you like to sample a life of peace!”… “How about some joy”… “There is more than enough!” Come to the Lord today with eyes firmly fixed upon him, casting all of your cares upon his loving heart as you confidently wait for him in prayer and his grace will come to you to meet all of your heart’s needs as you find strength from His Word and from His Spirit.

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