Ps 19:1-4 "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." NIV
Have you ever stood outside and gazed at the night time sky, looking into the infinite distance of a starry night? Have you ever stood speechless watching a beautiful sunset as the heavens lit up with a radiant explosion of colors? How many times have you laid back on the ground from childhood until now and considered the beautiful diversity of a cloud filled horizon or marveled at the speed of the clouds as they sped by in their circuit across the sky? Who hasn’t watched in awe as storm clouds billowed and lightning flashed its powerful arcs across the heavens? What about a tornado or the force of a hurricane? Are not all of these a declaration of God’s power and might? Are they not a reflection of his glory and majesty,
his creative expression?
The voice of the Lord shouts over all of God’s creation through the very works of his hands. Who but our creator God could have performed such wonders? How could any man observe these things and deny the existence of a creator. David has this revelation as he declares, “day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they display knowledge.” The heavens and the earth are a declaration to all mankind. Night and day they cry out to him, speaking of his power, telling of his majesty and wisdom. When David says that the heavens display knowledge this is such a powerful revelation of the mind of God. It was not a random act of chemistry that created the heavens and the marvels that we behold. Rather it is a display of the brilliance of the one who conceived of it. It is intended to call to all mankind and awaken our hearts to a desire to know this one who could create with such wonder and beauty. They shout forth with such authority as if to say, “If I could make such beauty, such power, such wonder, don’t you want to know who I am?” The heavens are a statement of God’s desire to be known.
This concept is such a logical process that even Jesus brothers formed similar conclusions regarding him. In Jn. 7:3-4 they pressure Jesus because they have concluded that anyone who is doing such miraculous works must have an agenda to eventually become known to all. In keeping with this same conclusion we can know that God is reaching out to man through the marvels of his creation saying, “Worship me,” “Know me,” “believe in me”. Man will have no excuse for rejecting God because as David says, the voice of God through his creation goes forth into all the earth and therefore all men will be held accountable for their testimony. Paul states it with great clarity in Rom 1:20 when he says, “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” God is speaking to the earth, willing to be known by all who will listen, ready to hold accountable all of those who won’t.
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each star is unique in the song that it sings. astronomers listen to the stars with radio telescopes can identify each star by its unique sound.