
Psalm 63:2-5 - June 27, 2009

Ps 63:2-5 "I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. 3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. 4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. 5 My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." NIV

Are you living in a revelation of God!? The secret power of David’s life is that he has tasted enough of the living God that he knows that nothing else can compare in its ability to satisfy the longings in his soul! The language of David’s praise is compelling: “I have seen… I have beheld.” The revelation of God’s dwelling place has captured David’s heart. What David has seen has awakened within him a revelation of the Father’s love! Wow, consider that. To see the sanctuary, to see the power and glory of God awakens a revelation of God’s love that births a life of praise!! “Your love is better than life!” Think of this. Immediately after reflecting on what he has seen in God’s presence his heart explodes with this sentence; “better than life!” Is there anything that has touched you so deeply that to you it is better than life itself? For David the very thing that has transcended all other things is his revelation of the love of God! To understand this is to understand the power and motivation of David’s life of praise!
“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you!” David’s encounter with the sanctuary of God, his power and glory has birthed a vision in David’s heart of making God famous through his songs! What a life vision. David has seen the glory and his heart now wants others to be able to catch a portion of this understanding through the medium of his songs of praise, as if to say, “How can I not share with everyone this precious revelation that God has bestowed upon me through this divine encounter. This is now David’s life mission; “I will praise you as long as I live…” Imagine a life so captured by what you have tasted in the depths of your personal relationship with God that you are now compelled to share it with everyone who will listen through your songs of worship and praise.
The wonderful thing about David’s heart in this psalm is that he has a deep understanding of the connection between his life mission and his own personal satisfaction. Even as David states his intended goal of sharing this revelatory worship with the world for the rest of his life he equally states his confidence of its impact upon his own heart. “My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.” For David there is a deep connection between the fulfillment of his mission and his own personal contentment. He knows that his own soul will be the beneficiary of surrendering himself to God through a life of praise. “My soul will be satisfied… with singing lips I my mouth will praise you.” Oh that the church would get this revelation. As we spend our lives in worship before the Lord the world hears the glory of his praise and we ourselves find the very thing that we have been looking for all of our lives; a satisfied soul! Give yourself to God by lifting up your song of praise and seek him for a revelation of His love that will compel you to make this your life vision! Start today.

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