
Mark 11:4-6 - October 2, 2010

Mark 11:4-6 “They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, 5 some people standing there asked, "What are you doing, untying that colt?" 6 They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go.”

Mark 11:4-6 is a small segment of this overall story but there is a little glimpse of the prophetic in action that takes place in this passage. Sent on a mission to retrieve the colt that will be used for Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem, the disciples have been told where to go to find this colt. The only thing that is really required of them is boldness and faith. They are told by the Lord to take this colt without asking permission. They are only given the words to say when they are asked about their actions.
How awkward this may have seemed to the disciples to begin untying the colt without permission. Fear of accusation as thieves may have tugged at their hearts as they went forward, but faith and obedience carried them forward. Their confidence in the prophetic ministry of Christ was sufficient to move them on. They knew from experience that the things Christ foretold would come to pass and so they stepped forward in faith. They find the colt just where it has been prophesied to be and speak the words that the Lord in his foreknowledge gives them to speak. And with these words the disciples find favor and are able to complete their task.
This demonstration of the practical application of the prophetic increases our grasp of the many ways that God uses this wonderful gift. This word does not involve a word to a person. It does not involve the release of some great miracle. This prophetic word simply prepares the disciples to accomplish their task and to find favor with the other people who will be involved in this exchange. This passage gives us permission to expect God’s participation in the practical moments of our lives. He can give us direction that leads to both provision and favor. Our part is bold faith and humble obedience. Take the word of Christ with you and go out expecting God to meet you on the road side!

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