
Mark 8:27-30 - June 1, 2010

Mark 8:27-30 “Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, "Who do people say I am?" 28 They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets." 29 "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ." 30 Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.” NIV

Mark 8:27-30 is an intriguing moment in the lives of Jesus and the disciples. It is an example of the heart probing inquiry of the Lord. When Jesus asks a question it can always be assumed that the answer has many layers and is being asked to accomplish a variety of purposes. This example is no different. Jesus possessed a unique capacity to utilize the moments between events. His life was busy with one miracle, public teaching or dramatic confrontation after another but it was often the moments between the moments that created some of the most compelling insights.

In this case they are simply in transit, walking on to a new set of villages in which to minister. As they were walking it might have seemed that He was just making conversation with His disciples to kill the time as He inquired “who do people say I am?” But with Jesus there is something much deeper going on. Jesus is pushing the disciples to think more deeply about the man they are walking with. On more than one occasion the gospels reflect on this perplexing question. After calming the storm in Mk. 4 the disciples sit in amazement as they ponder this same issue “who is this man that can calm a storm by a word.” In Mt. 11:11 John sends his disciples to ask “are you the one?” not for his sake, but for theirs. In many passages the religious leaders of the day and others who heard His words asked amongst themselves who He was that gave Him the right to teach things that contradicted the teachings of the Pharisees. This time however, it is Him who is stirring up the subject.

In Mark 8 Jesus is causing His disciples to consider what they have seen and heard. He has never before really pressed this issue to bring them to a place of firm conclusion but the time is now. It is fascinating that these men have walked with Jesus for many months now and He has yet to put them on the spot to conclude about who the man they are walking with really is. This is a very powerful teaching point. Jesus allows them to relate to Him and learn from Him without pressing this main issue until He senses the specific moment to make them form concrete conclusions, as if to say “all right, you have seen enough now. Make a decision!” With this one set of questions Jesus pushes them over the edge to a place of commitment. “State your belief and stand by it!”

When Jesus asks them to reflect on what people are saying it is to press them close to the subject of who He is without having to start with such an abrupt personal confrontation. He allows them to reflect on what others believe and are saying before He presses them to conclude about their own convictions. The disciples give a few diverse opinions about how others think and then Jesus brings the point home! “What about you!?” Now they must form concrete opinions. Now they must point themselves on the line for what they really believe. Until this moment they could avoid the charge of heresy or deception because they had never stated a firm conviction regarding who He was. They could always bow out gracefully by saying “we thought he was just a good teacher or some such thing.” They were never asked to make a commitment before now! From this moment on the consequences of following Christ have multiplied greatly, the disciples are now on the line. No more maybes! Their confession has now condemned them to whatever fate He endures.

Jesus takes every believer through this same process. He attracts us first as followers. He brings us in and exposes us to the reality of His words, His presence, and His power. But He doesn’t ever stop there. He is searching for full commitment, total abandonment to His cause! It is only a matter of time before the pressure of His questioning begins to touch every life. He will always bring you to the point where you have to choose to identify with Him as the Son of God, the Messiah. He will not allow you to hang around the edges of faith. Sooner or later He will always turn you away from the opinions of others to ask with glaring intensity “What about you!?”

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