
Psalm 16:11 - January 12, 2010

Ps 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." NIV

With God is revelation for life! What a hope, what a promise. Those who live in relationship with God have the knowledge of the path of life. To know and embrace the truths of God’s word is to know the way of life. In Mt. 7:14 Jesus taught his disciples that “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” If this is indeed true, and it is: then what a privilege to have received the revelation of the truth from the Lord. David continues on to express the impact that this knowledge has had upon his soul.

The result of a life lived in the path of life is a joyful experience of

the presence of God!

It is God who gives us the ability to enjoy him! He. 11:6 shares with us that God rewards those who diligently seek him. The good news is that the reward is God himself. To those who choose the right path the fruit is a joyful encounter with God flowing out of a clean heart that can have confidence before him because we have not embraced wickedness in our hearts. An additional source of this abiding joy is the knowledge of the eternal pleasures that we will share

with our heavenly Father.
David’s joy flowed not only from security in the path of life, nor an intimate enjoyment of God. David was also filled with joy because of the knowledge of eternity. David had a pre-Christ understanding by the Spirit, of the reality of the eternal kingdom of God. His joy and contentment flowed out of the knowledge that eternity was waiting for him. In much the same way Hebrews tells us that Christ embraced the cross, despising its shame, because of his confident expectation of a joyful reward in the eternal realms of God. We have a two-fold blessing before us: Joyful experience of God now and eternal pleasures at his right hand in the life that it is to come.

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