
Psalm 106:12-15 - October 17, 2009

Ps 106:12-15 “Then they believed his promises and sang his praise. 13 But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel. 14 In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test. 15 So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease upon them." NIV

This psalm portrays the classic process for missing God’s will. So many people find initial faith in the Lord. They have a powerful introductory experience with the Holy Spirit and they become passionate for the things of the Lord. They get a hold of the word and begin to exercise faith, boldly exalting the Lord in their testimonies and their songs of praise. But then life happens. They lose sight of the good things that have done. They do not steward the memory of God’s works in their hearts and in times of trial their faith goes dim.
It is far too common that God’s children forget the works of the Lord and lose sight of the ways of God. Having tasted of His goodness a few times their expectation begins to expect that the Lord will lead them in a constant flow of excitement and activity. However, they miss the fact that in God there are often seasons of waiting that stretch our faith in between the seasons of grace and favor. Moses prayed a prayer that would be beneficial to all believers during the days of his earthly ministry. In Ex 33:12-13 Moses prays “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people." NIV Moses recognizes the need to understand God’s ways so that He may walk in God’s blessing.
When we lose sight of God’s ways we often err in our life choices because of our confusion, unbelief, fear or ignorance. Paul rebuked the Galatians who seemed to follow a similar path as the one the psalmist describes. In Gal 3:2-4 Paul corrects them for losing sight of God’s ways and turning to human effort: “Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? 4 Have you suffered so much for nothing-if it really was for nothing?” NIV It is such a tragedy when God’s people waist previous victories in God by losing sight of the way that God works over the course of a life.
In this passage the psalmist reflects on the tragedy that takes place when we forget: we don’t wait for the Lord! The primary source of mistakes and self-created crisis is that absence of patience before the Lord. People start a new business or buy a new house or many other costly courses of action out of the passion of their hearts. But they do not recognize the impatience and fear in them that is often driving the process. David was a strategic warrior. He didn’t just rush into battle. He did not only seek for the knowledge of God’s will. He sought for the knowledge of God’s way! What should I do and how and when should I do it? Because of this David was supremely successful. God directed even his strategies in warfare on many occasions. And God wants to direct our steps as well. Wait for God’s counsel and let Him lead you to victory in the decisions that you must make. There is one last key for this process that cannot be overlooked. We must seek Him earnestly! Do not sit by passively expecting that the Lord will direct a heart that is not seeking after Him with true abandonment. Give yourself to God in prayer today and let Him direct your paths.

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