
Psalm 51:6 - June 5, 2009

Ps 51:6 "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place." NIV

Truth and wisdom in the inner man – two great desires in God’s plan for you! When you consider the living God and all that he might desire in regard to us it is profoundly impacting to realize that what He is most concerned about is the condition of your inner man. What lies within you in your secret motives and your deepest reasoning? This psalm is a call to us to focus on the inner qualities of our life not just the outer circumstances.
What happens in your heart when you are faced with information that is uncomfortable such as a self revelation that you have a problem with anger or fear of rejection? Does seeing yourself move you to repentance or does that momentary realization of your need compel you to either shift the blame for this condition to others or make excuses that somehow deny that you really have this problem. God’s desire is that we are able to humbly acknowledge those areas of brokenness in our lives that do not reflect the image of the Lord. God knows our makeup and is constantly working to reveal to us our inner needs so that we can be transformed but we block this process of change if we live in denial of our need! Ps. 32:2 says, “Blessed is the man…in whose spirit there is no deceit” The simple definition of the word blessed is “happy!” So now let’s consider that verse again. “Happy is the man… in whose spirit there is no deceit.” Do you want to be truly happy in this life? Be honest with yourself and with the Lord! When we face the truth about our inner needs we are on the path to great breakthroughs as we surrender those areas to the convicting hand of the Lord.
The more we deny the truth of an area of our lives the more we are forced to harden our conscience to the voice to the Holy Spirit speaking inside of us. This creates a great diminishing of the work of God both inside of us and through us. If we will not be honest with ourselves then how can we be honest with the Lord, and if there is deception within us we will not be able to discern truth and the wisdom that comes from walking out the knowledge of the truth. The intention of God concerning you is that wisdom grows from your experience of facing the truths that He reveals in your inner man. It is when we allow God to do His transforming work in us that our hearts become truly wise. When we have faced ourselves with honesty we can now relate to others without the biased of our own self deception. So often we miss interpret other people’s words, actions and motives because we are filtering them through the lens of our own self deception; the areas where we have not allowed God to come in and cleanse us!
Give your heart to the Lord with an open honesty that allows Him to show you your inner need. Allow Him to speak to you without denying the things that He shows you about yourself and then embrace the sometimes painful process of surrendering those areas of need to His all powerful grace. Know that He can change even those deep rooted areas of your life that you have been withdrawing from for many years. Receive the knowledge that this exposure of truth will not cause God to reject you the way that people are tempted to do. God already knows! It is only you that is just now discovering your need. His love for you was already waiting before you were born. He knew you by name before you were conceived and has been working out your destiny with a complete knowledge of every one of your deficiencies. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us and so we can rest in the safety of His compassion as we honestly consider the deep issues in need of personal transformation that lie within our inner most parts! Trust Him and let Him into that dark room inside of you today!

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